Ep 86: Why Your Hair Is Falling Out With PCOS & What To Do About It


  • Birth Control and Hair Loss:
    • Contraceptive drugs containing levonorgestrel and other high androgen index progestins can lead to hair loss due to their similarity to testosterone.
  • Types of Progestins:
    • High androgen index progestins like medroxyprogesterone acetate, levonorgestrel, norgestrel, and etonogestrel can shrink hair follicles, causing gradual hair loss.
    • Low androgen index progestins like drospirenone, norgestimate, and cyproterone don't cause hair loss during usage but may trigger it upon discontinuation due to a rebound surge in androgens.
  • Role of Ovulation:
    • Estrogen and progesterone, crucial for hair health, are produced through ovulation and a natural menstrual cycle, underscoring the importance of ceasing hormonal birth control.
  • PCOS Consideration:
    • PCOS, characterized by high androgens, can contribute to hair loss, acne, and hirsutism; blood tests can aid in diagnosis.
  • Thyroid and Hair Loss:
    • Thyroid disease is another potential cause of hair loss, necessitating blood tests, especially for those with symptoms or family history.
  • Importance of Nutrients (Iron, Zinc, Iodine):
    • Adequate iron levels are essential for hair recovery; there is a lot more to iron sttus than ferritin. Rarely is an iron infusion appropriate. 
    • Zinc promotes ovulation, reduces inflammation, and inhibits androgens, making it beneficial for hair health, especially for those with deficiencies or on hormonal birth control.
  • Addressing Inflammation:
    • Chronic inflammation can sensitize hair follicles to androgens, exacerbating hair loss; resolving gut issues or food sensitivities may help alleviate inflammation.
  • Patience in Treatment:
    • Results from hair loss treatment may take at least two months due to the lag time in the hair's telogen phase; consistency and patience are crucial for seeing improvements.