4 Things To Consider If You Have PCOS and Are Considering Stopping Birth Control
If you went on birth control to help manage your PCOS symptoms it can be SUPER daunting to consider coming off it.
Many of the clients I work with feel anxious about their symptoms returning. Especially the ones they can't hide, like acne and unwanted hair growth.
I get it! The thought of dealing with those symptoms again can be so overwhelming. But if you've been thinking about coming off birth control because:
- You want to have a baby.
- Want to manage your PCOS without synthetic hormones.
- You've realised birth control isn't the best for your long term health.
There are a few things you should consider to ensure a smooth transition. Here's what I recommend:
1. Find Out Your PCOS Root Cause: PCOS can have a few root causes, including insulin resistance, inflammation, and hormone imbalances. It's essential to identify your specific root cause so that you can develop a targeted approach to managing your symptoms. You can start doing this BEFORE you come off birth control, which is exactly what I recommend.
2. Implement Your Unique PCOS Strategy Based On Your Root Cause: Once you've identified your root cause, it's time to develop a strategy to manage your symptoms. This may include dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, supplements, and other therapies. Your strategy should be tailored to your unique needs and goals.
3. Address Any Micro-Nutrient Deficiencies: The birth control pill can deplete several vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc. It's essential to address any deficiencies you may have before coming off the pill. All of the deficiencies can be identified through comprehensive blood testing, from there a food and if needed supplement plan can be implemented to start correcting things. This is SUPER helpful for supporting your PCOS symptoms as nutrients like B-vitamins enable your insulin receptors to work better and nutrients like zinc can help to reduce the effects of high androgens.
4. Support Your Detoxification Pathways - Liver & Gut: The liver and gut play a crucial role in detoxifying hormones and other toxins from the body. You want to imagine these like a drain through which various hormones are detoxified. Supporting these pathways can help reduce symptoms of PCOS and improve overall health. Eating a nutrient-dense diet, staying hydrated, and incorporating liver-supportive herbs and supplements can all help support your body's natural detoxification processes. A little note here that if you suffer with constipation then you absolutely have a major issue with your detox pathways - this needs to be addressed!
In summary, if you have PCOS and are thinking of coming off birth control, it's essential to take a targeted approach to managing your symptoms. By identifying your root cause, developing a personalized strategy, addressing any nutrient deficiencies, and supporting your body's natural detoxification pathways, you can minimize symptoms and optimize your health.
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Follow Solaine online –
- If you know you have PCOS, the next step is figuring out your “root cause”. Take our free PCOS quiz to find out your PCOS type and the tests we recommend: https://solainedouglas.com/pcos-quiz
- Website: https://www.solainedouglas.com
- Instagram: @solainedouglas_nutrition
- 1:1 Program: Want highly personalized advice? Best suited to more complex health concerns or who want to work on something other than PCOS. — Book a complimentary consultation here to discuss working together.
- PCOS Pathway: For women diagnosed with PCOS who want to banish acne, stabilise irregular cycles, reduce anxiety-inducing excess hair and FINALLY shed those KGs (without ANOTHER disappointing specialist appointment or Metformin script). — Book a complimentary consultation here to discuss working together.